Follow These Steps to Avoid Paying Tax Penalties

Briaud avoiding tax penalties

As part of Briaud Financial Advisors’ comprehensive financial planning process, we spend a considerable amount of time reducing our clients’ tax liabilities. One cost that can be easily avoided is an “Underpayment Penalty.” This penalty arises when you underpay or underwithhold in a given tax year. The penalty is imposed on the amount you should […]

TRS Options: The Importance of Choosing a Beneficiary

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A career in one of the public Texas universities is bookended by two important  decisions. At the beginning, one must decide between the ORP defined contribution and the TRS defined benefit retirement plans. For those who choose TRS, naming a beneficiary is one of the most important things you can do. Death benefits are part […]

Choosing a 403(b) Plan Provider

Briaud Choosing 403b Plan Image

It’s open enrollment time at many universities, including Texas A&M and the University of Texas. With temperature and humidity high, it’s an excellent time to spend some time indoors exploring options to optimize your benefits. The first choice is between two tracks known generically as a defined benefit plan and a defined contribution plan. We’ve […]

TRS vs ORP: The Alphabet Soup of University Retirement

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Your first few days in a new university job can be comically simple for someone with multiple advanced degrees. The types of questions you have to answer include: How do I find my parking space? Where is my desk? Where is the coffee maker? Pretty soon, the hard work will begin, but at the beginning, […]

Try This Estate Planning Tip to See Bigger Picture

Briaud estate planning

As part of our comprehensive financial planning services and the initial financial plan, we at Briaud Financial Advisors review our client’s estate documents. These documents include wills, powers of durable and medical attorneys, health care directives, and any trust documents that have been created. Yes, I agree that talking about our mortality is not the […]