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Overlooked Considerations When Investing For Retirement: Asset Location, Income Generation, and Timing of Risk

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Overlooked Considerations When Investing For Retirement: Asset Location, Income Generation, and Timing of Risk

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Retiring for most university professionals represents a transition but not an end to making money. As experts in your fields, your knowledge and expertise will continue to be sought and rewarded. But how do you ensure that earnings don’t penalize your retirement funds?

Learn how to pick the right accounts for your investments, making the most of your money with smart tax choices.

Find out how to generate steady income in today's economy so your golden years stay golden.

Get the scoop on adjusting your investments as you near retirement, ensuring a secure and rewarding future.

Don't miss this chance to boost your financial know-how and make informed choices.

Our invitation to this 30-minute webinar including a pre-recorded Q&A, is intended for TAMU Faculty but is open to all; please invite other university professionals. Recordings for previous sessions are also available:

1) Navigating TAMU Retirement
2) From Savings to Withdrawals: How Do I Transition When I Retire?
3) Managing Taxes Pre- and Post-Retirement: Strategies that can help lower your taxes now and in the future
4) Transferring Wealth: Opportunities & Pitfalls

Topics of this webinar

  • Choosing the best accounts for each asset
  • Generating income in today’s environment
  • Considerations on allocation when nearing retirement

*Participation in this webinar is completely anonymous; no other participants will see names or other identifying information. Information submitted is captured and retained only by/for Briaud's use in contacting those interested in information; we never disclose, sell, or share information.